Stage II Standard Treatment • Supraglottis: External beam radiation therapy is used for smaller tumors, which preserves the voice. Another option is a supraglottic laryngectomy or total laryngectomy, depending on the location of the lesion and the status of the patient. Care is needed when selecting this option to ensure adequate lung and swallowing function after surgery. If a patient is not cured by radiation given as the primary treatment, surgery is then used in an attempt to cure. If surgery is the primary treatment, postoperative radiotherapy is used if tumor is found in surgical margins or lymph nodes in the neck. • Glottis: Radiotherapy or surgery (partial or total laryngectomy). • Subglottis: Radiotherapy (with voice preservation), with surgery reserved for patients whose tumors recur or those who might not have adequate follow-up evaluation. Five-Year Survival 55 to 65 percent (supraglottis), 60 to 80 percent (glottis), 30 to 40 percent (subglottis)